Friday, April 22, 2011

The Burial

In grief we are often entombed ourselves, like it seems the disciples were after Jesus* crucifixion and burial. 
The sense of smell is our only hard-wired (unmediated) sense.  I wonder what smells brought back the disciples* memories of Jesus.  Of course we know the rest of the story.  But they didn*t then.

Jesus is in the tomb
Bound and wrapped and sealed
Into place.
Officially positively
The disciples are lost
Among themselves,
Denying, depressed,
One even dead and
Soon to be buried himself
In the potter*s field.
It is night and dark
And very damp.
No stars in the sky,
No moon.
No light at all.
The mixed scent of earth and myrrh
Long after the stone
Is rolled into place.
Among themselves,
Lost in grief,
Still they breathe in blood and iron
Earth and myrrh
bread and wine.
They remember water poured,
The final words.
Still the scent of earth mixed with myrrh
Sweet spices
And nard
And returns.

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