Saturday, November 5, 2011


Maybe all the specialists have always been out there.  Maybe there is simply too much medical information to be contained in the head of a simple family doctor.  Maybe I am nostalgic for the good old days. Maybe it*s my child memory remembering something that never was.  Or maybe I*m 56 and it*s simply the time for specialists.  But I miss the time when the family doctor stitched up cuts on the bottom of my feet from going barefoot.  I miss being seen as an entire human being, and a doctor who knew when I would make a break for it down the hall.

By the time I am done
I will have seen all the specialists
There are.
No simple family doctor anymore,
The one who stitched us up
When we cut our feet on clamshells
In the sand bottom of the lake
Up at the cabin.
The one who said
Let*s take a look at this
Here*s what we*ll do
The one who knew us
Inside and out
From the soles of our feet
To the lip we bit through
When we fell running to catch
The ball;
The one who knew how to catch my brother,
Make him sit still for shots,
The one who somehow made penicillin shots
In the kiester
Now there are specialists
Upon specialists,
No one doctor
Who chases anyone down the hall;
No one doctor who says
Let*s take a look at this
Here*s what we*ll do
No one doctor who knows us
From our head to our soles;
No one doctor
Who knows that the person
Who stands before them
Might make a run for it
Down the hall.
Now there are specialists
Upon specialists.
We are eyes or bladders,
Feet or brains.
They have no idea
When we might take off

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