Tuesday, May 22, 2012

There is no box for the Happy Dance

I am a strengths-based therapist, priest, spiritual director, you-name-it.  I would like to translate the forms, if I need to fill them out, into strengths-based forms.  OK, I did see two lines at the bottom of the assessment form which asked for strengths.  Maybe they are referred to at the end of things.  I don*t see a particular spot in the progress notes.

As a volunteer I am required
To fill out mountains of paper
On each and every client.
There are boxes upon boxes to check.
They say:
There is no change
Things are worse.
They say:
You are suicidal,
Or not.
Pick the goal and objective
You worked on.
If not:
Fake it.
There is no box to mark
The Happy Dance.
We don*t count that.
I suppose too regular dancing
Would require dismissal,
The filling out
Of the satisfaction survey,
Placed by the client
In an envelope,
Then signed over the flap
By the client and therapist
For privacy.

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