Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Paperwork Queen

Part of my learning these days is to fill in the blanks while standing on my head, to figure out the logic behind the forms so I don*t have to learn each piece by rote.  Of course this assumes there was some logic to begin with.  I admit I hear the Red Queen shouting in the background:  Off with her head!

Yesterday I learned
I will never be a paperwork queen
Or princess,
Or probably even
A paperwork vassal.
The GAF score is meant to be
The DLA divided by two,
The two do not measure the same things.
The highest score in the past year
Must not include today*s score.
Of course
Is different.
I will never be the paperwork queen.
Of course
The queen sets the rules,
Is never questioned.
Hers is the new logic.
Off with her head
Shouts the Red Queen
The quintessential ruler of all paperwork.
Off with her head.

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