Tuesday, January 22, 2013


It wasn*t until a couple years ago that I realized starlings were marked with stars in their feathers.  I had lumped them in with grackles and other birds of less interest.  Now they fill the back bushes, having sent the cardinals, red and flashy, packing.  Hmm.  Today the backsplash decision may be made.  I*ll believe it when  the tile is put in place.  Will it match the cardinals?  Will it be closer to the color of sparrows?  There are good reasons for both.

The starlings fill
The back bushes.
They have sent the cardinals
I wonder about the pecking order
Among the smaller birds.
By size,
If not by appetite
Are obviously
But when starlings show up
Their sheer number,
The flecks of starlight
In their feathers,
Send the cardinals

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