Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Free car wash

I attended a funeral reception for a man who used to attend the last parish I led as vicar.  I remember the free car wash at that parish, how it was a lesson in freely giving and freely receiving for all involved.  I remember the driver of the motor home who tried to give $2 bills to the children involved in the washing.  They steadfastly refused.  I remember the motor home driver asking for a tour of the church, and then trying to leave money in out of the way places in the building.  Finally he donated a case of water we could hand out to the folk waiting to have their cars washed.  

Of all the things I*ve helped orchestrate
In thirty years of ordained life,
My favorite
Is the free car wash.
Absolutely free.
We did not take money.
It was not a fundraiser.
If someone wanted to join us
They could.
But it was free.
Absolutely free.
We did not take money.
No money changed hands.
It being a hot day
We sprayed each other
With water
And laughed,
Handed out cups
Of cold water
To those who waited.
We washed BMWs
And vans,
Even a motor home.
It was free
I tell you
Every time I tell the story
It is lauded as a wonderful effort,
Never to be repeated,
Never emulated
As far as I know.
I tell you
Absolutely free.

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