Wednesday, September 17, 2014

A reflection written at 5 in the afternoon

Too much to fit into a reflection.  Too much to separate out.  I will start again tomorrow... earlier.  Much earlier.

A reflection written
At 5 in the afternoon
Bears no comparison
To those written
With a hot cup of coffee
In hand,
The sun sliding golden
On the living room carpet.
A reflection written now
Carries almost the whole of the day
Within it
Or not.
The sun slants
Toward evening
At the back of the house.
The conversations of the day
Include the easy and the hard
And a whole lot
Of things
Which defy
Any category.       
They remain to be seen,
Remain to be understood
Some even remain
Just outside my hearing.
La la la
I sing,
My hands over my ears.
I have enough to consider
For now.

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