Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Showing up

What is it about human beings that when we don*t see something for ourselves, we believe the worst? This week I am back at it, and glad for it.  I am back at working out with Jeff, back at church, back at internship, back at having lunch with friends.  I am showing up, and showing up, and showing up again.  My head did not fall off.  No, I can*t drive until March (God willing).  Yes, my eye is still blurry.  Yes, my head is still firmly attached to my body.  

I learn once again
The best way to keep rumors
From taking over
Is to show up
And show up
And show up again.
No one believes
You are fine
In absentia.
Jeff tells me about his classmate
In high school.
He dove into the water,
Got a concussion.
While he was in the hospital,
The rumors went from concussion,
To broken neck,
To his head fell off.
It*s not just teenagers.
No one believes
You are fine,
You will be fine,
In absentia.
Not really.
This week I am showing up
And showing up
And showing up
It is the best way
To keep rumors
From taking over.
They grow
In absentia.

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