It seems I should have known this, but the light does not move forward in even increments, until June 21, when it begins getting shorter, but not by even increments. I suppose the scientists among us can explain. That is not my bent. I assumed evenness, regularity. No. I just watch the days grow longer. Probably they are even in some predictable way... just not even in the way I thought.
I watch the days lengthen
One day at a time
Almost three minutes a day
This time of year.
They lengthen less and less
As they come to summer.
The Sweet Williams in the front pots
Are still green.
Usually they do not overwinter here.
The sparrows sound different,
More chirpy.
It seems the ducks are off
On other errands.
No lady in red or denim.
Already the morning light
Angles different.
I watch the light lengthen
One day at a time
They lengthen shorter and shorter,
Until summer finally comes.