I left parish ministry in 2007. Now, six years later, I have finally landed in a different place. Finally I worship during Holy Week not thinking about how I might do things, but rather how the liturgies speak to where I stand this year. A different place entirely. Even with an office directly underneath the crossing in front of the sanctuary.
It is Easter Sunday
Not yet two.
We have celebrated,
Even shopped
For the week.
Our daughter Easters
South of Paris
This year.
I have let go
Of Holy Week.
Indeed it seems
I have let go
Of things being done
In particular ways:
All the special services
Tweaked and twirled,
Even danced to different music.
Today we stood
In the church,
Second pew from the back
Stage right,
Listened to the hum of children
Underneath the liturgy.
Easter Sunday
Not yet two.