Lent means spring and Lent comes late this year. Real spring seems even later. The time change comes this weekend. Saving daylight with snow still on the ground seems somehow, well, wrong. But there it is. I look for reminders. The light has indeed begun to change I found pussy willows at the store a couple weeks ago. I coax them along, trim their bottoms, change their water, hope for a hint of green.
Today a whiff of warm,
Even with snow still on the ground.
I have rearranged the pussy willow branches
On the front table,
Trimmed the bottoms,
Scrubbed the glass,
Changed the water.
God willing the branches will last
Until the snow melts,
Enough catkins holding tight
To the stems,
Maybe even a leaf or two
To carry us over
To crocus
Beside the front door.
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