Monday, December 8, 2014

Much as I would like

Sometimes I wonder if one of the gifts of later onset epilepsy is the realization that the whole list of things I thought I might accomplish in my life is really a much shorter list, a pared-down list that has refined my focus to the people and things God intends for me to focus upon.  Hmm.

Much as I would like
To stand and walk,
To drive wherever I wish,
To witness
In bold and eminently visible ways
So no one
Can possibly miss me;
Much as I would like
To be called
To be named perhaps
In purple
So everyone might hear;
Much as I would like
To tromp into the wilderness,
Wait for people to come
And find me;
Much as I would like it,
Those roles
Have been filled
And filled
And filled again.
This role is mine,
Even if one hears,
Even if one sees,
This one,
This role
Is mine.

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