Tuesday, April 14, 2015


My beloved and I... we barely make it to work out on Tuesday and Thursday at 9 AM. Still, we mostly make it. Now we are trying to add in a daily walk. Our trainer (the one we pay so we will feel guilty if we don't make it) would like us to keep track of our daily walks. This is a stretch.

When I awaken
I try to capture
The very first thought,
So the day
Has a clear beginning
Written down.
It will move on from there.
We have begun semi-daily walks.
Are you keeping track?
She asks,
The trainer who monitors us
Tuesday and Thursday mornings,
Are you keeping track?
How will you know
What you’ve done?
I am not a listmaker.
In the morning
I try to capture
That one thought
So it can move on
From there.

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