Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The measure of things

It is Wednesday in Holy Week. I do like spring but these days all my measures are off-kilter. When my brain comes up with sphygmometer and I look it up (ain't Google wonderful), I find it's the technical word for a blood pressure cuff. Oh yeah, that's been off too. Still, my brain is working. Way to go, brain.

Finally spring weather.
This will take
A reorientation
Not a bad one but still
Change comes harder these days
My brain moves
With the barometer
With the thermometer
Even it seems
With the odometer.
Out of the depths
My brain comes up with
I had to look up
The meaning.
I must have learned it somewhere.
Way to go, brain,
Way to go.
All is not lost in this change
To spring.

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