I went to Wheaton College for my masters degree in Clinical Psychology. I could have gone somewhere else. I didn*t. I got a good education there. I had fine teachers, a fine cohort. I went there in part because I did not understand it, yet I knew there was something there I needed to learn, precisely because I did not understand it. Now here I am... an Episcopal priest who attended a Quaker college and an evangelical graduate school. Out the other side I appreciate silence and Paul. Out the other side, further up and further in, I am still Gospel girl.
I went to Wheaton
In part
Because I did not understand it.
It took almost two years
To get a glimmer,
A peripheral vision
Of an understanding.
I eked out that A
In theological anthropology
Mostly because of the final paper,
Not because
I agreed in the centrality
Of Paul.
I went to Wheaton to find
The good there.
I found it in the glimmer,
The peripheral vision
Of an understanding.
I found a place for Paul,
A hallowed place for Paul.
I went to Wheaton
To begin
To understand.
On this other side I am still
Gospel girl.
On this other side
I dance with Jesus
Further up and
Further in.
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