Friday, January 11, 2013

Even as I make good decisions

I think I finally figured out the coffee thing.  No coffee after noon has finally morphed into one cup of coffee in the regular sized cup of coffee in the morning.  Not a Venti Starbucks coffee.  Of course it helps when I make one cup at a time.  Thank you, sister Jane, for the reminder.  Two members of my beloved coffee-drinking family are off on a road trip this weekend looking at colleges.  I made one cup of coffee this morning through the plastic drip cone, the kind that sits on top of the coffee cup.   This accomplishment has not stopped me from walking around the kitchen with a magnet to see the possibilities.

Even as I make good decisions
I figure ways
To compromise them.
No caffeine after noon
So I can sleep at night
Suck down as much coffee as possible
Before the clock hits twelve.
No magnetic surface
In the kitchen
Is a surprise
But in retrospect
Means less clutter
A Very Good Thing.
Then I find myself
Walking around the kitchen
Seeking that one magnetic surface
That Must Be There.
I know there are other ways
I do this
Even as I pat myself on the back
For good decisions,
Even good decisions I never made
But found
Shining on every stainless steel surface;
Surface which,
By the way,
Requires its own special stainless steel cleaner
Along with its most excellent
Non-magnetic properties.

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