When I can sit by myself in early morning, there is something about a cup of warm coffee in my hands, and the vista out back, which invites contemplation.
We trade off
Taking the young woman
To school.
If I am awake enough
On my mornings,
When I return
I sit with coffee
Warm in my hands,
Watch the day lighten.
I think through
What must be done.
I consider
What really
Isn*t necessary.
The snow palette lies before me:
Shades of white.
The branches on the bushes
Next to the garage
Hold clumps
Of white wet snow
So many cotton bolls.
I consider the silence,
Watch the day grow lighter.
I think through
What must be done,
What might be done
Come spring.
My hands,
Warm on the coffee cup,
Consider what may be dropped
When the earth goes green