Tuesday, August 19, 2014

So many ways

I see your Facebook posts, Elizabeth Molitors and Laurie Vanderlei.  Flank steak and matching roommate pillows.  I can't compete.  IKEA makes me dizzy.  Deviled eggs and potato salad are more my speed. Macaroni and cheese later this week.

So many ways
To launch a child:
Pack a van
Cook a favorite meal
Look at all the possibilities,
“For-real” dizzying
For this mom.
Dad gets
The next IKEA trip.
I have made deviled eggs
Potato salad
Beets with feta cheese
For dinner.
So many more meals
To come.
Macaroni and cheese
Comes next.
So many ways
To launch a young woman
Cook a meal
Sit in the living room
Watch the comings
And goings
So many ways.

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