Sunday, April 28, 2013

Discouragement/Encouragement/Pretty Good

Sometimes it helps to listen to the conversation between the disagreeing factions, figure out they both have good points.  Turns out both Discouragement and Encouragement grew up in Minnesota... cousins who lived next door... in fact.  Pretty good.

This morning
And her cousin
Sit across from one another
At the dining table.
They trade quips.
Both women are eloquent
In their own way.
The table is covered
With a patchwork quilt.
Lilies purchased last week
For the French student*s arrival
Have fully opened,
The dining room perfumed.
Two new clematis:
Nelly Moser,
Comtesse de Bouchard,
Potted on the front porch,
Wait to be planted.
In the dining room
They gesture,
Each with coffee
In her hand.
I listen.
I believe they both
Make good points.
I see how they are related
At the root,
Not just from opposite shores
Of the  gene pool.
Now I hear they share
A particular accent,
Turn of phrase.
Finally they agree
That things
Are really
Pretty good.

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