Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Is it me?

I attended a ministry and mental health conference yesterday.  It was wonderful in so many ways.  Most all the materials were available in English and Spanish.  The speaker I was dreading was bright, accessible and funny.  The workshop leader was very good.  I talked with a classmate from Wheaton I have not seen since graduation.  We compared notes and shared experiences.  I suspect both of us have grown leaps and bounds since graduation.  Who knew?  I saw change all around me with a capital C.

I see Change
With a capital C.
All I can say is
The Christian conference
I attended yesterday
Was amazing.
As often happens
I was probably
The lone Episcopalian.
Often I feel like
An anthropologist.
I try to learn the customs
From outside in,
Inside out.
I strive to place my preconceived notions
Of the main speaker,
The particular workshops
On hold.
So I can hear.
So I can see.
So I can perhaps learn
Something different.
I claim not to ride in
On a white or black horse.
No Tonto.
Last year I sat with
The other Episcopalian.
This year I see change
With a capital C.
Beyond anthropology
I see kinfolk.
Is it me or them
Or was there never any real difference
In the first place?

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