Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Easter Wednesday

I woke this morning to read a post from someone who has become a favorite blogger, Kelly Flanagan:  His blog is called: Untangled.  His address is: 

Today his post was about what good things we need to let go of in order for more good things to come in.  It reminded me of my Holy Week experience this year.  After many many years of parish ministry, I left it in 2007 to go back to school in clinical psychology.  Parish  ministry was a good thing, in so many ways, but it held me back from considering/plotting/planning/ yes... receiving more good things.  Sometimes it takes time to clear the decks.  Six years... really?  Yep.  This is an Easter dream.

I recommend his blog. 

New life comes in different forms.

Yes this is an Easter dream:
I woke up with it this morning:
I sat with my beloved
Way way back in the pews.
A small boy threw a paper airplane
From near the front of church.
It landed on the floor
Next to our pew.
We argued about who
Would sail it back.

Yes this is an Easter dream:
I did not have a wisp
Of a thought during Holy Week
I would do it this way.
Not a wisp.
Our daughter was gone
In France.
We skipped the Vigil
Slipped in the back pew
Sunday morning
For Easter.
We ate at Panera before
We went grocery shopping
We did not color eggs but
Our daughter got a chocolate chicken
A la Max and Ruby
From her French family.
She ate chicken*s tail on the plane ride

Yes this is an Easter dream:
I can finally let go
Of my theology books
From seminary.
I may send them to Africa
Perhaps Nepal.
New life comes
In different forms.

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