Friday, May 6, 2011


 I think it is human to want to mark new beginnings.  We are always hopeful that we can begin again.  We don*t talk so much of endings.  When we leave school we commence to do something else.  When we retire, we face the beginning of retirement.  We speak of ending well, but we don*t stay there long at all.  Maybe that*s right, but it seems we should spend some time remembering the Mississippi before it becomes the Gulf of Mexico...

It is hard to find
Where something really begins
Or ends.

Years ago I stood on the rocks
At Lake Itasca
In northern Minnesota.
A small stream flows from the lake,
Becomes the Mississippi River.
The sign says so.
I stood on the rocks
Next to the sign.
It marks
Where the Mississippi begins.
I had my picture taken there and
Also in front of the Dairy Queen
In Park Rapids.
Both were important that day.
It was summer and hot.

Jeff tells me that he watched the barges
Come round the bend
In New Orleans,
Amazed at the way the bargemen
Shot the rapids of the Mississippi
Before it entered
The Gulf.
I don*t know if he had ice cream.
I figure between the two of us
We may have beginnings
And endings
I wonder if there is a sign
In New Orleans
Marking the end of the Mississippi
Or if there are only signs
Where things begin.
Here begins the Gulf of Mexico
It might say.

It is May.
Everyone is graduating now.
Soon will come the Commencement
One more beginning.
Spring began awhile ago.
I can*t say exactly when
Winter ended,
Spring began.
It seems we only wait
For new beginnings.
It is hard to find the exact place
Where something begins:
Stand on the rocks,
Take a picture
Next to the sign.

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