Monday, May 16, 2011

Musings on the Rapture

 I can*t help but be fascinated by our sisters and brothers who know exactly when the end times will come.  This Saturday, May 21st,  at 6 PM.  I think about people traveling across time zones to get another hour of possibility before the Rapture.  I wonder if God has a list, like Santa Claus, and is checking it twice.  No, I don*t think so.  I really don*t think so.  Such fascination, however, does lead  me to think about what really counts in the Kingdom.  I know we have a glimpse of it now.  I know Jesus gave us a splendid template, that it*s simple and hard all at the same time.   I know when I think I*ve got it made, I*m yanked up by the shorthairs and realize I have a lot more to learn.

Today is sun.
Yesterday Jeff and Sawyer brought me sunflowers
As a reminder.
The bishop blessed the office
And all who would meet there.
He blessed it for life
Today more petals have fallen
Off the redbud.

I joked that the Rapture
Might come by time zones.
This morning I read 6 PM
On May 21,
As if God cares about
The way we order time
Or date.
They say it will be three percent
Of those alive.
It will still leave things pretty crowded
Down here.
We*ll be busy, I understand,
With the Beast.
Of course it might be that the three percent
Have died already.
It may just make a mess
In the cemeteries,
Then only certain family plots.
This seems convenient.
I wonder how they figured                                                                      

I believe God will come when He wills,
Take whom He wishes.
I think he has been
Harrowing Hell for a long time
Since Jesus.
He pulls us up and out
By the shorthairs,
Hauls us up,
The lost sheep,
The prodigals who need to see
That God wins the extravagance prize
Over the top.

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