Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sometimes it seems the flowers bloom for me

Today is fully spring, and still Easter and Mother*s Day.  I thought I saw the redbud blooming earlier this week, but this morning it has the full idea.  Also the crabapple, pink in the backyard.  The sun illuminates it beautifully.  Of course it does.  Sometimes it really does feel as though God has done all this just for me. And me, a Minnesota girl, even.  And a mother.  For me?  Really?  You shouldn*t have.  They*re simply gorgeous.  
All too often it*s the other way round.  It doesn*t occur to me that such things are offered to me as well as to everyone else. 
Today I start in a different place.  

Sometimes it seems the flowers bloom
For me:
The crabapple out back
The redbud in front
Fully pink this morning in the sun.
The new clematis
Will even bear a couple flowers
This year,
White, I think.
Sometimes it suits
To think of myself
Before I can think
To extend the celebration
Of flowers
Out into the world.

Most times it has been the other way round.
Maybe, I think, some of this is for me.

Today is sun, still Easter,
Mothers* Day.
Sometimes it seems right
To see just myself standing under blue sky
Morning sun,
Before I can see the full pink trees,
The new clematis which promises
Two flowers this morning
For each and every mother
The offered bouquet of the spring world.
New life offered to all those who offer
New life.
Full pink
Two small buds which promise
To flower.

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