It is odd the way we attribute importance to things. We keep lists, or deem one thing as The Important Thing of the Day. Sometimes it looms over everything else, blocking out the small things which have the potential for making the day, things like Jesus loves me, this I know sung by small children in the small child pure voices they have, like they are singing something they truly know.
Today I have one thing
On the list.
Does it count as a list
With one thing?
Do I need to make up others
To fill it out?
With only one thing it*s amazing
How everything else
Gets done.
I add them to the list
As I do them,
Even though no one else
Is looking
Or even cares
I wonder if most days are really
Like this:
One thing on the list,
So much accomplished
That I never thought to consider.
Now that they*re done
It seems important to remember
So I don*t lose track.
The children outside my office
Sing Itsy Bitsy Spider
I remember all the hand motions
From my childhood
I remember Charlotte*s Web.
The children end with Jesus Loves Me.
They are getting ready
To go home.
This seems a good thing
To add to the list.
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