Monday, April 11, 2011


 I love the discoveries of spring.  Things I just knew were dead... aren*t.  Even though I have declared them dead, and planned their funeral, and found replacements so I didn*t have to spend time grieving... it*s only a plant, after all... only a plant...still, when I find life where I thought there was death, my heart jumps, and I want to do what I can to nurture that little vine, find a little trellis, cool its feet, pray for possibilities. 

Drum roll, please
But not too loud.

There is a good possibility
That the clematis on the last pillar in the front,
The one I planted in the fall,
May still be alive.
Given up for dead
I found it this morning
With a lone trailer vine,
Four inches long,
A dab of green on the end.
At noon I noticed its roots above the ground
Burgundy roots
Like an octopus standing
On its tentacles.
I covered those roots in mushroom compost
And dead leaves.
Clematis like cool feet.
So do I, as a matter of fact.
I have put a small trellis next to it
So it won*t be intimidated,
Gently twined that one trailer vine,
Four inches long,
With the dab of green
So it knows the trellis is there,
Just in case
It wants to lean
Or maybe
Grab on.

Quiet drum roll, please.

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