I do not write for publication.
This has frustrated the writers in my life, a number of beautiful writers in my life, who do write, at least in part, for publication. God calls each of us in different ways. I am grateful for the different ways.
When I began reading the book, Sacred Compass by Brent Bill, a book I had been meaning to order for about a year, discernment being one of my passions, I got to page 104, and there was a reflection I*d written about Mother Teresa when she died. Then I remembered the email I*d received from Brent asking to use it in a book. Sure, I wrote... then promptly forgot about it.
When I shared the experience of discovery with my artist friend, Cecelia, and began naming the particulars in this reflection, her response to each one was Dayenu. Dayenu is a song sung at Passover. Part of the Haggadah, it means, in Hebrew: It would have been enough for us. It is sung after each piece of the Exodus story is recounted: the rescue from slavery, the giving of the Torah and the Shabbat, If God had only given one of these, it would have been enough. It seemed an appropriate expression. Still does. I am grateful for each piece. Each would have been enough.
There it is:
The reflection I wrote years ago,
In a beautiful book
I am published
The reflection illustrates a point
I meant to make
In writing it
Plus some
It is a book on discernment,
How God works
In our lives
How we can see God working
In our lives
I am seen
I am heard
I am held in the palm of God*s hand,
Blessed beyond belief
But not quite
Beyond belief
I love the concept of Dayenu. In fact I preached on it once last year!