Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wednesday in Holy Week

 As a parish priest it was always a conundrum on what to do on Wednesday in Holy Week.  Tenebrae? healing service? A simple Eucharist?  Sure there are Scripture readings for the day which focus on Judas* betrayal (the John version where it seemed Jesus names it, then Judas follows suit, or the Matthew version where Judas has already made arrangements with the authorities)... Wednesday it seems, is for waiting, for preparing, for getting the drama set in place before the roller coaster ride of the Triduum.  Wednesday is for waiting.

There are so many ways
To walk through Wednesday;
So many ways
To wait for the Commandment:
The preliminary preparation
For the Passover meal;
The right food in the right place;
The betrayal set to go off as ordained,
The person named
Or found out.
It would be better if he had not been born,
But it seems then
Someone else
Would have done it.

So many ways
to prepare for the ritual slide
into the end,
So we can get to the beginning
So many ways to walk through Wednesday,
Ways to wait
In the dark,
Wait for the meal,
The washing of feet,
The washing of the altar
When everything is clear.
So many ways to wait
For the final dark,
The inevitable slide into the end.
We know the end.
We wait.
Wednesday is for waiting.

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