Sometimes we don*t pay attention to the emotion-rich part of Holy Week. Sometimes it seems easier to picture Jesus walking through the week and coming out the other side unscathed, even as we know we would not be unscathed ourselves. Still... Jesus is the Son of God, right? Right? Tell me.
This week is rich in emotion
All sorts of emotion.
I wonder if Jesus had mood swings,
Certainly this week of all weeks,
I wonder.
Did he continue on
Steady as a rock
On that donkey
Through Jerusalem
Palm Sunday through to the cross
And out the other side?
Did he wait for the Garden that night
To complain,
To feel a little low?
And then
Was it a real low?
Or only a dip?
Was Jesus like me?
Mood swings and all?
Tell me he was.
Tell me he felt low before
He was finally lifted up,
After the cross
After the burial
The final lifting up
Out of the tomb
Framed in angels and forsythia
Wild blooming yellow?
Tell me he knew full joy
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