Monday, August 20, 2012


It*s one of those mornings, and to top it off, it*s Monday.  My 10 o*clock client cancelled, which means my next client is at 2.  My driver does not mind a slow morning, so we are both sitting and staring at the week ahead.  It is spread before us.  I wait for the tufted titmouse (yes, it*s a bird) to return so I can show my bird-loving husband.  I am waking up...  slowly.

I spread the week before me:
A hand of cards
Laid on the table.
My client this morning cancelled
With deep apology.
I have the gift
Of more time available,
Another cup of leisurely coffee.
I watch the dust bath
Next to the front steps,
Hope the tufted titmouse returns
As I watch.
I lay the week down,
Wonder whether it will be a winning hand
Or simply one
Where the cards line up
Just so,
The game changed
So a handful of twos and threes,
Perhaps a joker thrown in,
Is really
All aces.

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