There are things to do over the next two or three or four years. Our daughter will go to college in two years. We are older than many for the oncoming empty nest. The next step is re-doing the upstairs bathroom. I remind myself that everything happens one thing at a time, even while I am impatient to get on with everything at once. One thing at a time. I filled the sink with hot water and added dish soap this morning, put last night*s dishes in to soak. I planned to do them after eating breakfast. My husband got to them as the coffee was brewing. Who knew?
The upstairs bathroom
Is on the agenda
For next Wednesday.
The new parts wait
In the family room:
Boxes of tile,
A toilet,
A sink.
We watch television
With upstairs possibility
In the foreground.
Next week we begin
With the bathroom.
We fix the house
For the next people,
Two or three or four years
Someplace smaller awaits us
Two or three,
Perhaps four years out.
But first
The bathroom.
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