Wednesday, May 1, 2013

I catch myself

I am privileged to sit with and counsel people.  Often I catch myself saying things I need to hear myself.  I find myself convicted.  I want you to do one thing this week, I say.  One thing.  Often my client says: Only one?  There is a list of things.  I say:   It all begins with one thing.  Do that one and let*s see about the rest next week.  When the client leaves I think  One thing.  Only one thing.  I*ll see about the rest tomorrow.

I catch myself
Exactly what I need to hear
It seems the person
I sit with
Needs to hear it too,
Except perhaps
From someone else.
I catch myself
Consulting someone else I trust,
To hear what I need to hear.
I listen to birds
As they sing from tree to tree
Especially this morning
With every door and window
I know there is more
To their singing,
More nuance
Than I will ever catch.
I catch
What I can.
I catch
What I may.

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