Sunday, May 26, 2013


I woke up this morning thinking about writing that owl reflection.  It is such a cool picture: three barn owls peering out of a rounded cross shaped window.  So I began.  The owls have yet to make their appearance.  Instead I remembered that breakfast with Possibility and Disappointment, and the later meeting I had with my therapist/supervisor/consultant.  Perhaps you could all hold hands, he said. Maybe you could close the circle.  

I am not on the roster
To preach
Yet every time
Trinity Sunday rolls around
I think what I might say
To clear things up
This time.
A few weeks ago now
I had breakfast with
And Possibility,
Just the three of us.
We all walked under the crabapple.
Possibility and I
Held Disappointment*s hands.
What if all three of you
Held hands,
Closed the circle
In the backyard
And danced?
He asked.
What if?
This morning I think
Why that would be
If we danced fast enough
No one
Could tell us apart.

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