Tuesday, October 29, 2013


The college journey continues.  We are all counting different things.  My brother and sister-in-law arrived on Sunday, and left their car in our driveway so they could spend a couple of days in Chicago.  It*s a funny thing, this counting.  What happens when we arrive at the end... or do we just keep counting?  I keep finding new possibilities, even as I count.  

We are always
In some sort
Of countdown.
What we are counting towards
Person by person.
It*s not always New Year*s.
Sometimes it*s
To the end of world
As we know it,
With nothing
On the other side.
I waltz with the possibilities
Of what will happen
When zero arrives,
Zero arrives.
It seems we are free
To choose
What we are counting.
Today I count the number of animals fed
By the crab apple tree
In the back yard.
Today I count the days
Before I preach
Namely: six.
We are always
In some sort of countdown.
Today I do two steps forward
One step back.
Begin again.

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