Sunday, October 28, 2012

We lean toward orange

Pick your paint colors... and live with the results.  When we moved here years ago, we chose a neutral color for the whole house.  We all agreed and the color is fine but really rather boring.  Our bright orange bathroom, in glossy tangerine, is anything but boring.  Indeed, with the white shiny floor tile, it was blinding.  With the tile change, it seems a better choice.  Now we don*t have to squint when we go in there.  Now we are considering a color for the kitchen.  

Obviously we lean toward
The last time we made the mistake
Of gloss
Instead of eggshell.
Our downstairs bathroom
Shed a neon tangerine glow
In the white tiled hallway,
Even when the door
Was shut.
With more muted tile
The orange gloss
Is now
Almost palatable.
We can look in the bathroom mirror
And not
Be blinded.
Now it*s time
For the kitchen.
We still seem to lean
Toward orange,
Even though the conversation
Had settled on brick red.
We have made two trips
To the hardware store
For 36 by 36 paint chips.
We have moved from oranges
To peaches
To Moroccan red.
The current agreement
Is rust.
We will consider the color
In daylight
In spotlight
When the sun shines on it
Just so
Right before twilight
Sets in.
As a family
We lean toward orange.
Every morning we remember
What orange gloss
Got us.

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