Wednesday, November 7, 2012


I awakened with this today.  I figure this experience informs a part of my calling to stand in the middle of things.  The man who was elected that day is still the bishop.   His consecration was six months after the election on a converted basketball court.  Six months later I was able, finally, to ascent to his election.  It did not come easy.

Almost twenty years ago,
I lost,
Profoundly lost.
Only a voter
But I lost.
The election
Was for bishop.
I voted for the person
I thought
Best qualified.
Someone else was elected
On the first ballot.
At the announcement
The Cathedral erupted
In wild applause.
Everyone was invited to stand,
Sing an Easter hymn.
I was bereft.
I have voted in at least
Five bishop elections
In an almost thirty year tenure
As priest.
This is the only election
I remember.
The only one.
Every detail.
Every single detail.

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