Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Pageant

The Christmas pageant casting has begun.  It is rewritten in every church, every year.  This is a given.

It is rewritten
Every year
In every church
Around the world.
Small children
Sometimes even adults
Do their best
As Mary, Joseph,
Baby Jesus,
Shepherds, angels ,
Various animals
At the manger.
Three Kings arrive
From liturgical East.
One year I saw the Three Kings
Joined by Herod
In front of the manger.
One year my son
Played the backside
Of a camel.
It is rewritten
Every year.
The Pageant.
One interpretation included
Native American Dancers
As the several Kings.
This sent one family
To a more traditional church
In a South Boston suburb
Where pageants are
As they are supposed to be:
Just like we remember
From our childhood.
The Pageant.
There is a rumor this year
A cardinal, a blue jay,
Maybe a horse
Will sing at the manger.
Every year
It is rewritten.
The Pageant.

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