Saturday, August 24, 2013

Think again

Thinking this morning of the people who have shown up in times of loss and times of joy.  The expected people, of course, but also the unexpected ones... like my high school friend*s mother who came to Dad*s funeral... for me... even though I hadn*t seen her in years.  I also think of the unexpected people who share my joys and show me the Kingdom spreads out way beyond any boundaries I have ever imagined.  When you think it doesn*t matter... think again.

When you think
It doesn*t matter:
Think again.

When you think
You won*t be missed:
Think again.

Your presence may be,
It may simply be,
That one thing that shows
One person
The whole world
Is aware
Of their loss,
Of their joy.

When you think
It doesn*t matter,
Consider your presence
Just might possibly be
A sign of the Kingdom
In attendance.
Think again.
Think again.

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